A series of short recipes for VSTS, VISUAL STUDIO and NUnit

I have had a need to have more easy access to information on how to do certain stuff, and have some easy access to simple code blocks, or templates, I can copy/paste.  A blog post is for me somewhat more extensive, and that format was not really suited for smaller notes.  So I decided to write them down as “recipes”, which is a small post, larger than a post-it, but smaller than a full blown blog post.

I have added the recipes as a separate section on my home site, under (How-to recipes)

The recipes so far are:

Category Recipe Comment
NUnit, Net FW NUnit testing using the new project format Template to copy/paste in csproj
NUnit, .NetCore How to do .Net core setup for tests Template to copy/paste in csproj (new format)
NUnit How to get NUnit3TestAdapter pre-release packages Links to the NUnit Myget feed for prereleases
Nuget How to find/clear your Nuget caches Locations and commands
Debugging How to enable/disable user dumps Crucial for finding VS bugs
VS old projects Fixing missing project.json error in old csproj format Move to new format.

About terje

See http://about.me/terjes