WrapThat.System : Wrappers for system.io to simplify unit testing

Introduction You have all seen it, you have all done it: Written code using the static methods from the System.IO namespace for handling directories and files.   Or, you are maintaining legacy code where that usage is common in certain places.  And now the code is huge,  you have no unit tests, because unit testing classes Continue Reading →

Visual Studio 2015 and NUnit, with a little NuGet issue

NUGET The current version 1.2 of the NuGet adapters for NUnit works with the VS 2015 Preview (and earlier CTPs).  You can find them here:  http://www.nuget.org/packages/NUnitTestAdapter/  and with framework: http://www.nuget.org/packages/NUnitTestAdapter.WithFramework/ Add one of these to your solution and it works without having the VSIX installed, both for VS2015 and for TFS build, including VSO build.  Continue Reading →

Fix for the ‘Could not find test executor’ issue with NUnit, XUnit and Chutzpah when using ReSharper in Visual Studio

This issue is resolved in the latest ReSharper release, version, download here.  The issue appears when using the Test Explorer to run tests in any of the frameworks mentioned in the title.  The tests are shown in the Test Explorer, but are not executed.  It may look like this: Note:  The tests shown dimmed Continue Reading →