Visual Studio & TFS 2013 – List of extensions and tools (Part 2)

Go to Part 1 – List of Product Updates for information on Visual Studio and TFS 2013 updates Looking for the VS 2012 product updates and extensions ?  Go to Visual Studio 2012 Product and updates (Part 1)  and Visual Studio 2012 extensions (Part 2) Looking for the VS 2010 extensions ? Go to Visual Studio 2010 – List of Continue Reading →

Visual Studio and TFS 2013 List of Product Updates (Part 1)

This post is continued here! Looking for List of VS 2013 Extensions (Part 2) Updated April 12th 2014:  Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC &  TFS Server 2013 Update 2 Looking for the VS 2012 product info and extensions?  Go to Visual Studio 2012 Product and updates (Part 1)  and Visual Studio 2012 extensions (Part Continue Reading →

How to exclude code from Code Coverage in Visual Studio unit testing using runsettings

Download:  VS2012 Runsettingstemplate   VS2013 Runsettingstemplate The VS2012/13 unit test feature can generate code coverage results.  It can do so for (nearly) any type of adapter you choose to use, MSTest, CPPTest (managed/native), XUnit and NUnit (but not Chutzpah (note 1)). Assume you have a project with a set of unit tests included.  For this demonstration Continue Reading →

Unit testing resources and articles for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013

The last year I have written three blog posts for the Microsoft MSDN ALM blog on unit testing. The posts focused on the new test explorer with its abilities to run tests in multiple frameworks, and utilizing traits to filter what to run, both in Visual Studio and on TFS Build.  I covered the adapters Continue Reading →

Issues with mixed C++ and C# projects in Visual Studio 2012 running Code Analysis

If you have projects created under Visual Studio 2010 (SP1), and mixed C++ and C# projects in the solution, and you are using other configurations than Debug/Release x86 you may hit a very strange situation when you run the Static Code Analysis, either alone, or as part of the build. You may get into a Continue Reading →

Video on Architecture and Code Quality using Visual Studio 2012–interview with Marcel de Vries and Terje Sandstrom by Adam Cogan

Find the video HERE. Updated June 28th 2012:  Marcel has blogged about this too.   Adam Cogan did a great Web TV interview with Marcel de Vries and myself on the topics of architecture and code quality.  It was real fun participating in this session.  Although we know each other from the MVP ALM community,  Continue Reading →