This is a short recipe for how to set up your project for testing .net core.
Test projects needs to target a platform, see the different possible platforms, and possible settings for frameworks and platforms. The latter link show settings that can be applied to both the csproj file and the c# files.
A possible platform is .Net Core 2.2
Download .Net core 2.2.5 from here
Add nuget package Microsoft.Net.Test.Sdk to your project
A possible csproj file can look like:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk"> <PropertyGroup> <TargetFramework>netcoreapp2.2</TargetFramework> <LangVersion>latest</LangVersion> </PropertyGroup> <ItemGroup> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" Version="16.3.0" /> <PackageReference Include="NUnit" Version="3.12.0" /> <PackageReference Include="NUnit3TestAdapter" Version="3.15.1" /> </ItemGroup> </Project>
Also see Rob Prousse blogpost on testing .net core, and NUnit docs for more details.
- Trying to use .Net Standard as target for your tests. This will not work. You need a platform target for your test projects.
- Even if your test projects targets .net core, your production code, the code under test, can still be .net standard
- Trying to use a Vsix test adapter to test .net core. This will not work. You need to use the nuget test adapter., and the version must be 3.8.0 or higher.
- Forgetting to add the Microsoft.Net.Test.Sdk package. This does not come with the adapter, even if that might be a good idea, and might happen later on, but right now it needs to be added manually.
- Forgetting to restart Visual Studio after adding an adapter.
- Updating older projects and forgetting to update Microsoft.Net.Test.Sdk to the latest version, see details here.